March 5

Today, Caleb:
- woke up at 6:05 am, nursed, and played with Daddy
- played while I got us ready for Stroller Aerobics
- ate oatmeal and peaches
- decided to skip the nap I was hoping he would take on our way to Stroller Aerobics
- was cheerful and pleasant at Stroller Aerobics from 9-10
- nursed in the back seat of the car at10:26
- fell asleep in the car at 10:42
- stayed asleep when I brought him up to his room, and slept until 1:25
- nursed before accompanying me to Aldi, Target, and Shop n Save
- charmed all of the ladies at the grocery store
- played while I put away the groceries
- refused his regularly scheduled nursing session at 4:00
- went swimming with Mommy, Daddy, and his friend Cooper (and Cooper's family)
- nursed ravenously (again in the backseat of the car!) at 5:30
- fell asleep in his carseat at 5:40 and stayed asleep.

He's still asleep right now, at 10:30.
Why do I tell you all of this?

So you understand why I haven't taken a single photo of him today.

It's been a highly atypical day, and to be honest I'm quite stressed out about it, as well as what it means for tomorrow (when he's supposed to cheerfully visit with Cooper while Sara and I run 8 miles).

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