March 11

Today's title?
Caleb's First Flat Tire

That's one for the baby book, right? Luckily, I happened to have my camera in the car to document it for posterity.

First, we hung out with my fam at Bread Co.

Caleb loves Grandpa's fur!

As we were driving home, I heard my car drive over something strange. Not something large; just something strange, and perhaps metallic. When we got home, I checked the tires, but everything looked fine.
Caleb napped, I ate, we left again for Babymoon. No problems.
When we left Babymoon two hours later, the tire was flat.

Caleb was perturbed.

Now, I know how to change a tire. I feel like I could do it correctly, though slowly. However, with my little man in the car, I got stage fright. I COULD change the tire, but I didn't want to. He was tired. And hungry. And a little grumpy.
So I needed to be rescued.

Enter my knight in rugged leather.

Luckily, my dad was able to come and put the spare on for me. Chris was willing, but he was at work an hour away, and Caleb and I didn't want to wait that long. So Daddy rescued us (I seem to remember this happening once before, when I was 16, on the side of highway 70. He's good at rescuing his little girls!)

Once the spare was on, Chris met us at Sam's Club where they inspected the tire. Turns out it was punctured by who-knows-what. Luckily, they were able to patch it for free! Hooray, Sam's Club!

Meanwhile, Caleb has been awake for 5 hours straight. Wonder how tonight will go...

1 comment:

  1. GREAT Aunt Mag loves the pic of Caleb and his grandpa with the sweet is that????
