March 13

Today was a boy day.

While I ran 9 miles this morning, Chris and Caleb had quality time. Then I came home, and they were obviously having such a good time that I had to let it continue. So, as a supreme sacrifice, I chose to lay on the couch and let Caleb have Daddy Time all day.
I only roused myself from the couch to document the fun.

I am so giving.

The boys like to roll around on the floor.

The only thing better than licking the cold glass door? Licking it when Daddy's on the other side.
(Look closely - you can see Caleb's reflection and giant smile!)

The boys got stinky after a long day of playing, so I threw them both in the tub.

1 comment:

  1. heheh cute. I recognize the shirt! LOL

