May 23

Just a normal, boring day around here. Fun, but nothing exciting.

In the morning, we played outside.
Caleb runs from our from Mrs. Murray's driveway on one side to Curtis' driveway on the other. Over and over and over. He's such a good boy - he knows his limits well, stays on the sidewalk, and always stops running and steps into the grass if a car comes. 

Daisy is always delighted to watch her brother play. She was laughing in this picture because Caleb was reenacting a scene from Cars in which Mac, the semi trailer, starts to fall asleep while driving. Mac then shakes himself and makes a silly noise.

Daisy thought Caleb's interpretation of the shaking and silly noise was hilarious.

Focused on watching her brother run laps.

Seriously. The girl has to be working on some teeth.

After a lunch-induced wardrobe change for Daisy and naps for both, we had snacktime on the porch. Daisy loves to sit right on the edge of the porch and let her feet dangle into the mulch bed. Today she experimented with patting the little boxwood with her feet. Today she also managed to scoot off the porch step for the first time. She landed right on the sidewalk, and did it so gracefully you'd think she knew what she was doing.

Oh, she adores him.
Caleb was being silly about something. Earlier, while Daisy was napping, Caleb and I sat on the porch swing and "read" this month's National Geographic cover to cover. Apparently he's very interested in sun flares and North Carolina's Outer Banks.

Apparently he also makes a pretty good foot rest. I'm pretty sure he adores her, too.

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