May 2

Ugh. Daisy screamed for two hours last night - for no good reason. That meant that I was crabby and exhausted this morning, which means I become No Fun Mommy. Plus, we had to go to the grocery store. Plus, it was 90 degrees. Boo.

Luckily, the water table fixes everything.
Almost, Daisy! Keep pulling, girl!
(I cannot wait for her to be walking, rather than scooting. That deck is treacherous to her sweet little legs, hence the fact that she's wearing pants despite the water and the heat.)

She wants so badly to play like her brother does!

Happy, happy boy. He was delighted to figure out that he could fill the bucket with water, then set it there and make a little waterfall. Yes, the toy was manufactured to do that. But he still felt like he was discovering something amazing. It's great to be two.

Hey, girlie! She scooted over to the door to play with her reflection, but then she saw my reflection, and she turned around to smile at me. She's "reading" the "book" from the DVD case of the new Muppets movie.

Crossed eyes make me laugh.

How sweet is this darling little boy?

Chris came home from work and took the kids to the hardware store. After dinner, he looked at me and said, "Before bedtime, can we run to the stop sign and back?" So they did, and Caleb was thrilled. Terrible picture, but a fun moment.

Also, I just noticed today that Daisy points. I'm not sure when this started, but it's pretty fun. Here, she's pointing at the moon and grunting. Sorry, Daisy. We can't get that one for you!

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