May 20

I'm still not quite sure of Daisy's haircut, and I'm terrified to get the scissors back out and fix it. I'm afraid I'll pull a Fibber McGee and she'll end up bald...

We went to church this morning, and now she may have a low-grade fever. Coincidence? You decide.  

Or it could be teeth. I have a feeling she's working on those top two teeth, but she won't let me poke around in her mouth to know for sure.

But she wore this darling dress - a birthday gift from Grandmother - to church today, so it's all worth it. The dress is technically too big, but I love it so much that I have a feeling the girl will still be wearing it when she's Caleb's age. By then it will be a tunic, not a dress. Because really, even if we have more girl babies down the road, it wouldn't feel right to put daisy dresses on a non-Daisy. So Daisy needs to wear the heck out of it.

She gets her eyelashes from her daddy.

It was hot today, so we broke out the swim gear and the water table. Poor Scooty McScooterson can't wear a normal swimsuit because she snags up the bottom with her scooting, so it's board shorts and a rash guard for her. It's probably better in the long run - more sun protection, more modest. Right? 

Did you notice my other concession to the scooting? Leggings. I bought the girl all kinds of sundresses on clearance last summer, imagining her toddling about in them. But sundresses = bare legs = chewed up thighs for my poor girl, so leggings it is. I just need to stock up, because they get dirty/holey/snagged pretty fast.

She'll walk eventually, though. I won't have to put her in leggings forever.


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