February 1

I promise I'm going to slow down with the blogging one of these days. Just not today. Eli was way too cute today.

This morning, Lily randomly decided to drag the bean bag chair out of her room, into my room. Eli was delighted. He crawled behind her as she dragged it in, laughing the whole way. Once she had it situated, Eli wasted no time in staking his claim.
Who knew something so simple would make him so happy? He's never interested in the bean bag chair when it's in Lily's room.

This kid is so mobile now.

He's definitely a one-year-old now!

The mail brought several birthday presents. Eli eagerly opened them, while wearing a darling flannel shirt that was a birthday gift from Grandmother. These gifts were from Great Aunt Deb. Thanks, Deb!

And this was a gift from us:
Remember how he hated wearing a helmet on Saturday? Well. His very own helmet arrived today (Amazon Prime blows my mind.) and he loved it. Loved it!

This happy boy is ready for many bike rides!

It was lovely out today, so the kids did some swinging while I grilled our dinner. 
1. Look at how happy Eli and Caleb are.
2. I have no explanation for Lily. She was adorable before her nap - she even asked me to put a funny side ponytail and clip in her hair. But after he nap, she was haggard-looking. The hair, the face, the boots on the wrong feet and the pants on backwards... that girl. She is too much.

Also too much? This little man. 
I mean, really. He was so happy to be swinging! And look at those gums. His teeth are going to burst through literally any moment now.

Goodness, I love this child!

Also, I realized tonight that I have blogged every February 1st for the past 6 years. How about that? Want to see? Of course you do. Trips down Memory Lane are fun.

(Caleb was 5.5, Daisy was nearly four, Lily was 18 months, and Eli was 3 days old)

(Caleb was 4.5, Daisy was nearly 3, and Lily was 6 months old)

(Caleb was 3.5, Daisy was 21 months, I was pregnant with Lily)

(Caleb was 2.5, Daisy was 9 months, we had lived in our house 1 month)

(Caleb was 18 months, and I was pregnant with Daisy)

(Caleb was almost 7 months old)

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