January 24

After a pretty busy week and a really rough night for Lily last night, I was relieved to have a completely unscheduled day today. I was hoping to get a head start on making Valentines, but Caleb and Daisy weren't interested in that game. They were, however, interested in making "Get Well" cards for our neighbor. It may have had something to do with the fact that Chris and I explained to them that the neighbor had "robot surgery" (laproscopic surgery, for grownups). The kids were fascinated, and worked diligently on their cards.
Daisy was quite proud of her handiwork. She is working on her scissor skills, is pretty adept at gluing, and clearly has rockstar stickering abilities.

Caleb had a vision from the moment I said "Get Well cards". He knew that he wanted to make a medical droid.

You know, a medical droid? From Star Wars? He's kind of obsessed. His current Star Wars library book is all about droids, and features this image of a medical droid:
FX-med negtd
(click image for original source and more info)

This was his version: 
I helped him cut a shape out of aluminum foil, and he did the rest. Did you notice the long arms? Did you notice that he put a band-aid at the end of each arm? Honestly, I was really impressed by Caleb's vision, and by his execution of his vision. This boy knew what he wanted to create, and worked until it was done!

He knows it's good.
(Isn't that a great feeling? To create something and know that it's good?

Lily watched happily from her spot at the table. She got her hands on Daisy's card at one point, and may or may not have ingested a few gold stars. Luckily, there were so many stars on that paper that no one was the wiser!
Also, look at poor girl's nose. She is just miserable with her cold: glassy-eyed, coughing, uncomfortable... Luckily, she's been so cheerful, despite the cold. We are blessed to have such a happy baby!

Just for fun, here are a few pictures of Daisy, who really enjoys the "take my picture/no don't take my picture/but really take my picture and I'll pretend that I don't want you to" game.

Goodness, I love her.

I also chose this lazy morning to introduce the big kids to video games. Namely, MarioKart.
They were terrible at it, and they loved it!

At lunch time, I took my fussy baby and practiced another back carry with her. It's getting easier for me, and she was really happy back there! (Though I did end up with a wet spot on the back of my shirt and some soggy hair from the poor girl's drool and snot...)

Today is Friday Pizza Day, so the kids helped me make their (gluten-free) pizza for dinner. 
I love that they're getting better at decorating their pizza and working together. Several times I heard one say to the other, "No cheese mountain! Spread it out!" or "Don't eat all the cheese! Put it on the pizza!" It was a good reminder to me that I can't expect them to do things well the first time, but if I give them enough opportunities to practice, they'll figure it out. My instinct is always to hover over them, correcting and fixing and scolding and generally being a bossy mom. I love that I have been able to step back in this small thing and allow them to explore and learn and work together. It's kind of wonderful

And Lily? She watched and learned. By the time she gets to help, she'll be a pizza-making pro!

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