January 14

Things that happened today:
Caleb went back to preschool for the first time in three weeks.
Caleb's snack at preschool was carrots and ranch dip - a major victory for me!
Daisy and Lily had a Parents as Teachers visit.
Daisy and I made cookie balls and brownie balls.
We went on a wild goose chase looking for cookies and ended up empty-handed.

Things I took a picture of:
On my bed, while the big kids napped. It turns out that the winter light in my house is lovely, even without snow! Hooray for small miracles!
Also, isn't her hair funny? It's like some small aquatic creature landed on her head and is waving its tentacles in distress. Or am I the only one that sees it?

Practicing her sitting on the bed. Goodness, she's sweet!
Also, I love this funny little outfit. I'm pretty sure Auntie Grace has some pants that match Lily's...

I'm discovering she balances best if she has something to hold onto.

Seriously. I can't get enough of this cuteness. Or the yummy light.

That hair! This was even after I tried to tame it.

This girl is fierce!

Even she thinks the hair is a bit much. Funny girl.

1 comment:

  1. L O L! As I read this I am wearing the polka dot pants. Ha too funny.
