November 7

We spent the day with Baby Andrew today, and what fun we had! Caleb and Daisy were so excited to have a baby to entertain, and they all seemed to enjoy each other so much.
At first, I was worried that Daisy would be a problem. The last time we saw Andrew, she was a bit ... aggressive. She just didn't want to share her mama. But aside from this suspicious look, she was fine.

Though it looks like she's attacking Andrew with jazz hands, she was actually scooting toward him and waving. I suppose this was her peace offering. And can you see how entertained Caleb was? He asked all day if he could help - he wanted to feed Andrew his bottle, hold him, carry him... you name it. Unfortunately, three is a bit young to help with those things. But it was sweet that he wanted to try!

And then Caleb and Daisy decided to snuggle. 
As Andrew looked on bemusedly, Daisy pounced on Caleb. They both giggled, he wrapped his arms around her, and they snuggled! Friends, I have to tell you. This has never happened before. Normally one wants to snuggle, but the other wants nothing to do with it. Usually, this ends in shrieking and hurt feelings. But not today. These two hugged and rolled around for a solid five minutes. Andrew was entertained.

How sweet are they?

This evening, we tried our first-ever fire in our fireplace. 
Caleb was very worried, but he quickly got over his fears.

Unfortunately, our fire was a dud. We only had enough to warm our hands, and then it was over. Perhaps we should invest in some fire starters... But on a bright note, we had a fire in our fireplace and our house didn't burn down!

1 comment:

  1. Adorable! So happy everyone had fun- I think Andrew loves the Rife kids!
