May 6

Ooh! I just noticed that Amber has posted her (much better than mine) pictures of Daisy's derby party. Go look at them on her blog?

Did you notice that the one-year mark has come and gone? I managed to take a picture of Daisy every day for her first year. I'm not sure what my plans are now - I'll keep blogging, just because it's what I do, but please don't get worried if I skip a day or two, OK?

Today we finally got around to opening Daisy's birthday gifts. We were so busy having fun at the party that there just wasn't time! But today, while Caleb was napping, we found the perfect opportunity. Daisy rocked the present-opening!
First, a big shout-out to Grace, who also sent a gift for Caleb. He was so in love with his Lightning McQueen towel! Thank you!

Because Caleb was asleep and not there to "help" Daisy, she got to practice her paper-tearing skills. She's getting pretty good!

She stopped to play with every toy.

Ripping verrry carefully!

Daisy was delighted with all of her gifts. When Caleb woke up, he was pretty pleased, too. Thanks, friends!

During dinner, a surprise thunderstorm came along. Happily, it lasted long enough for us to finish our meal, grab some leftover cupcakes, and head outside. Cupcakes on the porch swing during a thunderstorm? My favorite thing ever!

Daisy was so excited about her cupcake that she didn't even notice it was missing icing

That's the life - lounging on Daddy's lap in the porch swing, stuffing her face full of cupcakes.

She's a happy girl!

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