May 22

I have too many pictures today. Sorry.
Caleb and I took his giant Legos onto the porch today. He had a lot of fun while I drank my coffee and Daisy napped. Here, he's telling me all about what he built.

Later, I told Caleb, "I'd like to take your picture. What do you want to be doing in the picture?"
He responded by doing a crazy twirl/ball throw. It was impressive, but hard to capture on film.

This is the end part, after the ball has left his hands. He did it a few times for me.

Daisy thinks everything is a phone now. I really don't use my phone that much, but somehow she's caught on. Here she's holding a plastic Easter egg to her ear and saying,  "Hi!"

She has a new word:

She says it when she's eating in her high chair and drops her food, and it is the sweetest thing ever. EVER.

Looking through the bucket o' toys for something to play with.

I swear those top teeth are coming in. It's either that, or she's turning into a crabby monster. 

Still not pulling up or standing up. This is as close as we get.

I kind of love this girl.

Though she looks pretty threatening with this (miniature) baseball bat...


  1. never too many pics!!! love the new hair. she is just adorable.
