April 6

Have I mentioned that Daisy is officially in her room full-time? We've removed the bed rail from our bed - it's THAT official. And today? She slept until 8:30 am. As a reminder, she was waking up at 5:30 am. But today - 8:30. Granted, she has a cold. But still. 8:30! Even better? Caleb got up around 6:45, and when Chris left for work at 7:15, Caleb climbed into bed with me and we both slept until Daisy woke up.

I want to be sure you understand what a big deal this is. I got to sleep until 8:30 this morning. That's big. HUGE! Daisy and Caleb were both in such good moods from all of their sleep that I got to take a morning shower, which never happens. When I got out of the shower, I saw this:

Caleb said, "Look, Mommy! The cars are eatin' breffast, too!"
Why yes, they were. Never mind the fact that he had pilfered those Cheerios from Daisy's breakfast.

 After we (and the cars) had all finished our breakfasts, we went to Walgreens and Target and Costco, and Daisy took a three-hour nap. Her routine was totally off today, but the girl made it work.

When Chris came home from work, the kids and I were playing in the front yard.

Caleb was so excited about his new sunglasses!
(I tried to help him choose a basic black pair, but he was really fond of the bright red ones. So bright red it was!)

Daisy, meanwhile, was sitting on the ground, playing with a ball. But every time someone walked their dog past our house, Daisy scooted toward the sidewalk, saying, "Dah! Dah! Dah!"

She really wants to get her hands on a dog!

And then, a neighbor we know walked by with his dog and Daisy's wish was granted.

"Wait, you mean I can touch it?"

The dog was as excited about Daisy as Daisy was about it.

Daisy was in love.
I do not look forward to the day when she asks me for a dog of her own, because no matter what the answer will be a resounding, "NO." I just can't do it.
Maybe a kitten. She could have her own kitten to compensate for our antisocial, neurotic cat. But no dogs. Ever.


    Congrats on getting cutie pie dais to sleep in her own bed!

  2. NO Dog? You would grow to love it, believe me!
    Ok, I wish I could have been there for Easter. All these pictures have me longing for home and family.
