April 17

Today was another glorious, lazy, stay-at-home-and-bake kind of day. It was just what I needed after another challenging night with Daisy. Everything started out fine - she went to bed at 7:30, woke up at 11 to nurse, and went right back to sleep. But then Caleb randomly wet the bed at 12:45. I got up to change his sheets and put him to bed, and so I was already awake when Daisy woke up at 1:15. For some reason, I decided that tonight was the night to attempt to drop her 1 am feeding. Normally I think making big sleep changes works best on the weekend, but what can I say? I was feeling a little craaazy. So I went in, held her, and tried to get her back to sleep without nursing her.


She was having none of that nonsense, so I laid her in her crib and left, intending to come back in five minutes. But then I realized it wasn't fair to her for me to come in and not feed her. She can smell the food; she knows it's there. Chris just happened to be awake (probably something about the screaming baby that kept him from sleeping...) so I asked him if he was willing to be the soother, or if he wanted to wait until the weekend. He was game. This is how it went down:
1:15 - went in, no luck. 5 minute break.
Chris went in. No luck. 10 minute break.
Chris went in. No luck. 15 minute break.
Chris went in. No luck. 20 minute break.
Chris went in. It worked. She slept until 6am, skipping both her 1 am and 4 am feedings.

As I look at the breakdown, I realize that there were probably a few more visits in there that my foggy brain doesn't recall. But all told, we wrestled with Daisy for over two hours. I'm pretty sure Chris is ready to say we're never having any more children - it's that rough. (Don't worry; we won't let a brief moment like this really determine how many children we have. We're smarter than that. We know this will pass.) I wish circumstances had been such that we could have done sleep training earlier with Daisy, but it just didn't work out that way. Let's hope tonight is easier.

And look at how cute she is!
Daisy got to play with chalk today because

Caleb wouldn't share his bubbles.

She didn't mind. Chalk is way more fun.
She's just starting to mimic the way we draw with the chalk, and it's super-cute!

Also, here's a video of Chris reading to the kiddos:
It's not that great, but I love that Daisy says "ball". I also love that she then gives the ball a kiss.

Caleb was wiggling around because he wanted to watch this video on YouTube.

And here is Daisy making kissie noises last week:
I just think it's adorable.
And that distracting spot on her chest is a partially-chewed piece of strawberry.

Now I'm off to clean up the kitchen that looks like it exploded from all of my culinary endeavors today.

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