April 27

This girl. She's definitely almost well, but still sick. (Does that make sense?) We had an hour alone together while Caleb napped today, and she was content to scoot around on the floor near me. She'd scoot over to me, pull up on my leg, give me a kiss, an scoot off again. She is so silly and affectionate and funny!
Of course, today was a gray, gloomy day, so the only pictures I got were taken directly in front of our big sliding door. And even those were taken at a wiiiide aperture and with a slooow shutter speed, so they didn't turn out so well.

I love how she wrinkles up her nose when she laughs!

She made friends with the baby in the window, and shared lots of kisses.

I can never get a picture of her laughing like this - she always moves! Or, she'll only laugh when my face is out from behind the camera. Still, this is her happy face, all wrinkled up and dimply with two little teeth. Love it!

More happy Daisy.

And to finish things off, a serious, pensive Daisy. (With her mouth open so that she can breathe. Poor baby.)

Later, Caleb serenaded us while I made dinner. I think you'll enjoy his musical stylings...

1 comment:

  1. i'm so proud that your are raising your child on good music ;)
