April 24

I am ready to quit church. 
Do you see that snot trickling out of Daisy's nose? Yep. We went to church on Sunday; today is Tuesday, and guess who has a cold. Mostly, I'm concerned about her immune system. She's still breastfed, so she should NOT be getting sick this often. And I know they say second children get sick more often because their older sibling brings home more germs, but that's not our situation.
 Our situation is church = sickness. 
Not MOPS. Not playdates. Not Caleb's germs. Just church. It's making me crazy. So it's either quit church, or keep her with us during service every Sunday and be that family that annoys everyone else. The mama bear in me has no problem annoying people if it means my baby stays healthy, so church folks? Here's your heads-up.

(Also, the photo above is of Daisy trying to brush her hair. She grabbed her hair brush, started "brushing", and scooted from her bedroom all the way into the front room with that brush in hand. Then she continued "brushing." Pretty funny, considering she gets all huffy when I try to brush her hair.)

My boy, singing "Rainbow Connection". He's a sweetheart.

Love him!

Daisy got an early birthday gift in the mail today - her very first bike helmet! The experts say no helmets until age one, when the neck is strong enough to support the weight of the helmet.

The girl was ambivalent at best about the helmet.
She was definitely not ambivalent about our new-to-us bike trailer. She hated it. Once Chris started moving, though, she stopped crying.

Also, here's a keeping-it-real, this-is-my-life shot:
Crying baby, nose-picking toddler.


  1. That last picture made me laugh out loud. Daisy looks so disgusted that Caleb is picking his nose. =-) Too cute!

  2. I love that last picture too! Made me laugh, & I can definitely relate to the crying baby as I've been dealing with one all evening...

  3. looove that last shot. brings back memories!
