November 27

Today our neighbor, Drew (Of the motorcycle fame? That one. He just got a new bike to replace the one that was stolen - hooray!), came over to help us with some work in our basement. The work involved tools, so Caleb was eager to help his hero out.

(a shout-out to GREAT Aunt Mags, who sent the tool set nearly a year ago. Caleb feels like such a big boy when he gets to play with his very own tools!)

Daisy tried Greek yogurt sweetened with a little bit of blueberries for dinner. She really wanted to like it, and kept trying it, but she made a yucky face every time some actually made it into her mouth. It was also one of her first experiences with a spoon, and it was really funny to watch her try to figure out how to make the spoon work.  Eventually I just dropped a big dollop of yogurt on her tray, but that was really only good for smearing. I guess this is one of those foods that we'll just have to keep trying!

1 comment:

  1. We've made our own Gogurt at home by putting yogurt into snack sized ziplocs, then cutting off the corner. Allie's kind of a pro at eating them, now. Maybe you could try that next time. Although, eating it off the tray is great, too. :)
