November 22

OK, it's not my fault. It's these short, gloomy, rainy November days. The light is so bad that I just don't want to  take pictures.

I did manage to take a few of Daisy today, though.

She's totally obsessed with this book right now. It's from a line of books called Indestructibles; if you ever want to buy a book for a baby or toddler, you can't possibly go wrong with one of these. They really are indescructible, and they won't poke/cut/harm the baby, either. Caleb and Daisy have both chewed, slobbered, tugged on, crumpled, and generally mutilated the three Indestructibles books we have, and they're still in perfect shape. I also like that the ones we have feature bright, bold illustrations, but no words. It's fun to tell a new story each time, and now Caleb's at the age where I can ask him to tell me what's happening in each picture. (Now that I'm looking at these books on Amazon, I see several new titles that involve nursery rhymes. Those would be great Christmas gifts for Daisy...)


There's the cover. Love these books!

Unfortunately, no pictures of Caleb today. Maybe tomorrow. But Chris and I were just looking at pictures of Caleb when he was six and a half months old, just like Daisy is now. We were baffled by how chubby he looks, even though he was a solidly average baby. I guess having a skinny girl will change your perspective! Here's a reminder of our sweet little boy at this age:
I would like to report that the epic battles of the nap were, in fact, worth it, and now he does, in fact, go easily to sleep for his and stay asleep. So there's that. But reading that post reminds me that since Daisy doesn't have her own room, we haven't yet broached the battle of going to sleep on her own. I still nurse her to sleep every time. I dread the day that we  have to start fighting that fight, but I fear it's coming soon... but not yet. Another day. So I won't worry about it now.

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