June 3

I'm just really hoping this photo makes your day.
Or at least that it gave you a good laugh.
I think it's the sandals that get me.

We played outside in the water three different times today. Our plants were watered a lot. 
Caleb wore three different muscle shirts today. We're cool like that.

I also cut his hair today. 
I think it turned out pretty well, considering that he wasn't exactly a willing participant in the situation. It's just a shorter version of his previous haircut, but I didn't want it to be too short, so I only took off half an inch or so.

In other news, I had to put away Daisy's first piece of too-small clothing today.
Yesterday, the doctor told me that a pooping baby is a growing baby. Our not-much-of-a-pooper pooped three times in the past twenty four hours.

She also wore a new outfit today, a gift from our friends John and Kristen and their little girl, Grace. (Grace is two weeks younger than Caleb.) You can't tell, but the onesie says, "I love Daddy." Love it!

Daisy clearly loves it, too.

Daisy got to sit in on her first bedtime story session tonight.

Caleb was FOCUSED on the story of Jesus calming the storm. I took maybe 15 versions of this photo, and in every one, his eyes were little laser beams, staring at the page. He loves this Bible stories book! Daisy looks like she was pretty entertained, too.

(Can you tell today was better than yesterday?)

(Also, I've noticed a definite difference in Daisy's nursing since the tongue-tie procedure. She latches much more quickly, and seems to be getting more milk. Success! And no, she hasn't had any discomfort. Apparently it's not that big of a deal.)

1 comment:

  1. It seems like your son is naked a lot... is this what I have to look forward to? :)
