June 17

It's been gift-tastic around here lately! Today a package arrived from Chris' sister Grace. I think Caleb's starting to expect a present every time he wakes up from his nap!

Unwrapping the gift...

It was an album called "Bullfrogs and Butterflies". Apparently this tape was a childhood favorite of Chris and his sisters. They loved it so much that even I knew about it. As soon as I saw the cover, I got excited because I knew how thrilled Chris would be.

Caleb was instantly intrigued.

I popped it into our CD player, and Caleb stood, transfixed, staring at the speakers. Really. He didn't move for several minutes.

This is what his music coma looks like.

Daisy also loved her gifts from Auntie Grace. 
Grace sent the adorable owl lovey.
Actually, as I look at this photo, I realize that everything was a gift from someone: the owl from Grace, the "Little Sister" onesie from Chris' mom, the pants from my Aunt Deb, the baby from God... we've really been blessed!

a little Daisy smile...

and a full-on grin, complete with scrunched-up nose and wrinkled eyes!

Thanks, Grace!

Also, I have to tell you guys how sweet Caleb is. This morning we were playing in his room, and he was playing near Daisy. Then, completely out of the blue, Caleb said, "Thank you Daisy! Thank you Daisy, Lord!"
He was thanking God for his baby sister. How sweet is that? Love it.

1 comment:

  1. i'm pretty sure i could sing along with bullfrogs and butterflies??? could i just take both of them home with me next time????
