March 24

I'm not sure why I didn't take any pictures yesterday; I think it was because it was so windy. (Because wind prevents me from taking pictures, you know.) And today was a gray, gloomy day and I almost didn't take any pictures again.

But then.

Caleb and I went grocery shopping. He is such a good shopper - I really am blessed. But for some reason, today he was really fussy at the grocery store. He whined. A lot. After we had made our purchases and I was bagging our groceries, I handed him a bunch of bananas to keep him entertained. When he started gnawing on the bananas, I took away all but one so that he didn't ruin the whole bunch. Then he started chewing on the one banana he had left, and it dawned on me:

The kid was hungry.

Oops. So I opened the banana partway, and he sat happily in the cart, eating his banana, while I finished bagging the groceries. By the time we got out to the car and the groceries were loaded, his banana was gone! I congratulated myself on meeting my child's needs, and being such a good momma.

We made a quick stop at Target, where he got whiny in the checkout lane. And then for some reason, he fussed the whole way home. When we got home, I left him to his own devices while I at least put away the cold stuff. Fussy kid or no, the cold stuff must be put away. Since I'm lazy, I just leave the refrigerator door open while I put away groceries. I mean, really, isn't it just too much work to open and close that door a million times?

I was loading up with an armful of stuff when I turned around and saw this:

Actually, I turned around and saw Caleb reaching for the container of strawberries, which was right next to that jug of milk. He was trying desperately to open it while it remained on the shelf. I turned around to get the camera, and by the time I had it ready to go, Caleb had pulled the strawberries off the shelf. In the fall, the lid popped open, and before I could stop him...

"Yeah, I've got a filthy, unwashed strawberry. What are you gonna do about it?"

He ate the whole thing, stem and all.

I guess that banana didn't solve his hunger issues, after all!

Luckily, it was nearly dinner time.  Caleb went on to eat another strawberry, a kiwi, a graham cracker, some shrimp, risotto, red bell pepper, half a bagel with cream cheese, and milk. You'd think I never feed the kid! Or maybe he's turning into the very hungry caterpillar...


  1. SO cute!!! He's finally gotten his appetite back after that GI bug...or maybe he's fixin to have a growth spurt! Anyway, he's a problem solver!!!

  2. ahahaha! He's like "ooooo strawberries I can't help myself!!" That is great he is such a healthy eater.
