July 4

I realize how lame it is that I am writing a blog post when I should be out, celebrating our nation's independence by watching things explode. Usually Chris and I really enjoy 4th of July festivities; in fact, we've celebrated every 4th of July together since 2000. However, after a full day of travelling, and 3 days of Caleb missing out on his regular sleep, we decided to stay in tonight. To put an already fussy, already tired baby in a situation involving loud noises, mosquitoes, and strange lights?

 No thanks.
 Maybe next year?

We did have a great day, though. Caleb slept like a champ last night (my 3am vision of how to set up his bed was truly heaven-sent. It worked like a charm!), and travelled like a pro today. Our 9.5 hour journey there was only a 6.5 hour journey home.


We did this today:
Caleb met a giant cow (even bigger than Bessie!),

and met a giant lake.

He was so excited about Lake Michigan! As soon as he saw the lake, he started clapping and didn't stop until we put him in the water. He love, love, LOVED it!

It's as close as this kid has come to an ocean. We can't wait to take him back. Next time, maybe we'll let him play for longer than 10 minutes.

On a totally unrelated note, this time last year, I was really frustrated. Caleb was due on July 3rd, and I had expected him to be a punctual baby. When the 3rd came and went with no progress on the baby front, I was pretty annoyed. I realize now that Caleb's personality is hard-wired: he is a content little man, and has been since conception. We are so blessed!

1 comment:

  1. You should come out for a visit - the girls love to share their ocean!
