July 15

Today, I thought you might enjoy some action shots of one of Caleb's favorite pastimes:
pulling books off the shelf.

Often, he pauses and demands (with a quick "more, please" sign) that we read him each book. But usually, he is content just to pull them off the shelf.

Sometimes he has to give himself a little boost for better book-grabbing.
I'll spare you all of the details; suffice it to say that this was the end result.
The child was literally covered in books. There were at least 10 on the ground. Sometimes we pick them up, and sometimes we leave them. I'm pretty sure these are still on his floor as he sleeps soundly.

In fact, now that I think about it, when I went in to get him from his nap this afternoon, he was sitting up in his crib, pointing at a book that lay open on the floor in front of the crib.

On a side note, Chris and I have noticed that Caleb is looking a little... plump. This could possibly be related to the fact that he is usually stuffing his face with some kind of food. Photographic evidence follows.

At the pool: "Don't bother me, woman. Can't you see I'm demolishing this animal cracker?"

"Yay! Food!"

What kid gets excited about animal crackers when he could be playing in the pool instead?

1 comment:

  1. Covered with books, LOL this is so funny! Once again the best start to my morning!

    love you!
