September 5

OK, editing images in Photoshop Elements? It takes a while. And I'm not even doing anything fancy - I'm just tweaking my exposure and converting from RAW to JPEG. I'm really hoping I'm doing something wrong that makes it so slow. If not, I'm going to have to start taking better pictures and/or taking fewer pictures...

We had a playdate in the morning, crummy naps in the afternoon, playtime with Daddy in the evening, and then I went off to help my MOPS girls prepare for the first meeting of the school year tomorrow morning. How is it fall already?

Daisy thoroughly enjoyed playtime with Daddy.


Up-side down!

Practicing her walking.

Serious girl. Then I showed her the picture on my camera. She loved it.

She did this for the next one: 
I wish the picture was a little more clear - I'm pretty sure she's getting one or two new teeth down on the bottom.

Meanwhile, this boy has a cold. He's stuffy and runny and fussy.

Daisy's new favorite trick is standing on her own, then clapping or waving her hands in the air.

Yay, Daisy!

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