March 6

We have all been healthy for over a week now, and then Caleb got sick this morning. 
Boo. Boo, I say!

But at least he's getting it out of the way now, so that we can enjoy our Spring Break in peace. Luckily, we had very little planned for today. (You know, aside from that appointment with the registrar to get Caleb and Daisy registered for school in the fall. Whatever. No big deal.)

It ended up being a quiet day of play, napping, and a little bit of school. First, both Daisy and Lily asked me to put pigtails in their hair. That never happens, no matter how much I wish it would. (Really. My daughters look like bedraggled ragamuffins not because I'm too lazy to try, but because they won't let me style their hair.)
Later, while Caleb napped, the girls had a dance party.

Then they realized that their dance party was sorely lacking in the tutu department, and a hunt for every single tutu we own ensued. Turns out we have at least five of them. In the process, Daisy created this ensemble:
She was so proud of her handiwork that she posed for many pictures for me and specifically requested that they go on Facebook, too.

When she reviewed her images on the back of my camera, her one critique was, "They'll never believe those are real flowers!"

Something about the veil and the big dark eyes and the colors and the eyebrows reminds me of Frida Kahlo. Is anyone else seeing it?

Or are you jsut seeing how lovely and self-assured my daughter is, and how she is turning into a beautiful young lady?

She is precious, in every sense of the word.

Not to be outdone, Eli barged in with his favorite costume:

Is he cute or what?

The giraffe suit was zipped up, but he asked me to unzip it and was delighted when he realized that his Superman shirt was visible.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present Super Giraffe!

Then he sat in my lap and we used my camera remote to take selfies.
Note to self: back button focusing + remote = no way.

Also, Canon's wifi camera remote app is less than worthless. 

But even though these images are blurry, I will keep them.

I'll just bust out my iPhone and take a few more pictures to cover my bases!

We were watching the garbage man and the dog walkers and the birds and squirrels out the front window.

Later, Daisy showed me that she knows every kindergarten sight word and all of the first grade ones, too.

So instead of just reading them, I had her write them with water and a paint brush on the front porch. Don't let Daisy's ensemble fool you. It was not in the 80s today. It was gray, windy, and 66. But she insisted she was comfortable!

And then I found this video on my phone. This is what real life looks like around here, and it's also a very accurate representation of both Caleb and Daisy's personalities and their dynamic together:

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