September 1

How on earth is it September? I have no idea.

The kids and I packed this day full: we spent all morning at MOPS, and then Caleb and Daisy and I rocked the home school stuff while the little ones napped.
Daisy has been fighting writing practice with me, so I found some worksheets that have her writing, coloring, cutting, sorting, and gluing.
She loved them, and did four pages without a single complaint. This girl is going to keep me on my toes, though. 

When the little ones woke up, it was time to make dinner. 
Lily did not want to be awake, so I popped her in the Lillebaby carrier I am borrowing.

Then Eli got jealous. His jealousy is relatively new, for both him and me. I can't remember any of my other kids being so possessive of me, but Eli is definitely possessive. If one of his sibling tries to snuggle me, he attempts to head butt them away. Even if he had spurned my requests for snuggles just moments before, he gets mad if someone else gives me snuggles. 

I had just asked him if he wanted to go up, and he ran away screaming. 
I grabbed the carrier for Lily, and he yelled, "NONONONONO!"
I put Lily in the carrier, and he shrieked even louder.
I put my ring sling on to wear both of them, and he lost it.
I picked him up to put him in the ring sling, and he kicked and screamed and fought.

As soon as the ring sling was snug and secure, he nestled in to my chest.

 Funny how that goes.

Eventually, Lily was done being worn, but Eli was still happy. 
Making dinner while wearing a baby on your front is not easy. But snuggles like this make it totally worth it.

After dinner, we had a quick family snuggle before I had to run to a chiropractor appointment. Actually, the family snuggle started when Chris - who has been up since about 5 am - decided to rest on the bed for a minute or two. All of the children ran into the room and pounced on him. Eventually, Chris couldn't take it anymore and got up, but the kids kept bouncing and rolling.

They are too funny!
(Side note: Eli totally thinks he is a big kid now. At MOPS today, I brought the kids down into the gym after the meeting was over so that they could eat leftover MOPS food. After they ate, the remaining kids ran and chased and screamed. Eli was so excited about the running and chasing and screaming that he couldn't even finish his junk-food lunch. He abandoned it and joined the throng of children, doing his best to run and chase and scream with them. 
The look of joy on his face was the best thing ever, and he laughed delightedly the whole time. My little boy is so different from his siblings, and I'm so glad to have him!)

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