October 29

I scheduled Eli's 9-month checkup three months ago. His doctor is really busy, and I have a narrow window of times that work for me, so I booked it early.
Then I found out that Daisy's fall party at school was the same day.
Daisy didn't seem to mind, and I have already dropped any ideas I might have had about being the perfect room mom who brings crafts and snacks and blah blah blah, so we settled on the fact that I would not be attending her party. Daisy went to preschool today happily wearing her skeleton jammies, and I dropped her off hoping that I might be able to make it for part of the party.

Eli's checkup went well.
Well, actually it didn't go so well. He totally failed the gross motor and communication portions of his developmental checklist. However, when we re-did the checklist for for his adjusted age (8 months, instead of 9, because he was 5 weeks early), he was just fine. Our doc isn't particularly concerned, but it is definitely psychologically challenging to go from being on track at his 6-month appointment to being delayed at his 9-month appointment. Still. Eli is growing and developing and learning something new every day, so I know everything is just fine.

He weighed 17 pounds, 11 ounces, which pushes him above the 15th percentile for weight. It's the first time in his life he's been above the 15th percentile! Way to go, Eli!
He was 27.2 inches long, which is roughly 15th percentile, and his head was 17.75 inches, which I think is about 50th percentile. So he's growing and normal. 
Praise God.

We left the appointment and headed to Daisy's fall party, and she was not happy to see us. In fact, she told me that she wished we hadn't come. She was really mean today. I suppose we all have days like that.

Of course, the consequence of being mean to your mama is that your mama makes you take a nap. While the girls were sleeping, I tried to take Eli's 9-month pictures.
He was not interested. 
Still, I had to at least get the obligatory baby-in-a-pumpkin shot. It's tradition! 
I was worried that, at 9 months, Eli would be too big to fit in the pumpkin. Luckily, it was a perfect fit and he didn't mind it at all!

I mean, he didn't exactly like it, either. But he didn't complain.

He totally tried to eat the pumpkin.

Hi, cutie pie!

Are you tired of the baby-in-the-pumpkin pictures yet? 
Tough, because I'm not.

Ha! Eat the leaves, baby.

And the pretend squash. Go for it, Eli! I love this last one because you can see a hint of mischief in his eyes. That's my boy.

Also, because I love a good tradition, I made a composite shot for you.

Isn't it perfect? I love to see how similar my babies are, and yet how different. I mean, look at how skinny Daisy was!
I also love to see my photography getting better.

And then we were done with the pumpkin. I tried mightily to get some good 9-month pictures, but I suppose once you put a baby in a pumpkin, you lose some of your credibility with said baby.

Ok, Eli. I don't blame you. Maybe we'll try again tomorrow.


  1. What?! Why try again? That last picture is the best 9-month baby picture I've ever seen. Also, are you aware your floors produce a reflection? It makes me even more suspicious of my floors than I normally am...

  2. extremely cute!!! The pumpkin ones are awesome!!!!!!!
