October 20

Tuesday involved preschool and sunshine and a three-hour nap for Eli (!) and my first visit to a counselor for postpartum depression and my book club's monthly meeting.

It was a hectic day, and so this blog post is - understandably - late.

I have no idea what is going on with Eli's sleep, but I'm pretty sure he's getting ready to make a big developmental leap in the gross motor department. Here is some photographic evidence.

Hi, happy chubby baby! Look at you grow!

He's not crawling yet, but he looks like he's getting close!

He totally army crawls, though. Check this out.
 Caleb just got home. Hi, big brother!

Oooh. What's that?


Whoa! Look!

Gotta get it.

Almost there... 
intercepted by Daisy.

It looks like I can't trust him to stay put anymore! He also tried to pull up on the bed rails last night. This kid won't be safe in our bed much longer! Hopefully I can get to the point where I have the emotional energy to start sleep training, because Eli is going to make it hard for us.

Also, this is how a mom knows she has boys: her camera contains pictures of random sticks and rocks. And check out those grubby fingernails. Those are the sign of a boy who is doing something right!

The counselor tonight was... meh. She thought I had post-traumatic stress disorder, not postpartum depression. English is not her first language, and she has a very thick accent. She made sympathetic "ooooh you poor dear" noises at me. I cried a lot. It was awful.
But as she listened, she pointed me to scripture and to Christ, and I left feeling somewhat encouraged. I go back next week. Hopefully it will be better.

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