October 18

Today was the day: Pumpkin Patch Day.
We normally try not to do things like this on the weekend, especially not on the one beautiful weekend day after what feels like years of rain. Last year, we visited the pumpkin patch on Columbus Day. But now that we have a kindergartener, our options are limited. So today it was. Our only chance to beat the crowds was to arrive early, so we got there right after they opened. It was a good choice.

For comparison's sake, you should check out our visit to the pumpkin patch last year, when Lily was a baby.
It's especially fun because I try to take pictures in a lot of the same places, so you can watch them grow.

Boo yah! Right away, I got a picture of all three kids at once! They may not all be smiling, but they're all being cooperative, so I call it a win.

Click on the picture to see Caleb and Daisy on this same tractor last year. Fun!

Daisy was so excited to have a turn "driving" the tractor.

Lily liked the "pumpkin tree". I didn't have the heart to tell her that pumpkins don't really grow on trees.

Pumpkins that are way bigger than Lily. Love it!

Then my mom arrived, and Lily was in heaven!

Mom specifically requested this photo.

When Caleb got his turn to "drive" the tractor, he was very interested in all the gear shifters.

When he realized he couldn't shift and drive at the same time, he recruited Daisy to help him. It worked out pretty well, aside from her precarious perch on the axle.

When Caleb finally agreed to share his seat with Daisy, she was in heaven! Look at that grin. 

Pumpkins. Big pumpkins.

Daisy liked the pumpkins.

Caleb hid in the pumpkins.

Lily snuggled with Grandma.
(You can't complain about this picture, Mom. It's lovely.)

Every year I love the idea of taking pictures on the old fire truck, and every year I'm disappointed by the harsh light there. I'd say they should move the truck, but I don't think it moves anymore...

Chris rolled this pumpkin around, and Lily chased after it, giggling. It was too sweet!

Ha! This picture of the kids with the creepy Bert and Ernie will be our new family tradition. Do you remember the darling picture of Daisy kissing Caleb here last year?

Our happy family! You can't see my tell-tale baby belly in this picture, but I'm pretty sure its bulge is the reason Daisy looks so sad. She's slowly losing her spot on my lap! Lily, meanwhile, has an ear of dried corn. She seems to think it's the best thing ever.

By the time we left the pumpkin patch, the hordes were descending. I'm glad we got there early!

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