October 31

Happy Halloween!

While I was out shopping last night, I stumbled upon some last-minute Halloween markdowns, and picked up three skeleton shirts for my little darlings. Caleb and Lily were really excited about them. Caleb his to school and Lily wore hers around the house all day, but Daisy refused to wear hers. Bummer.

But wasn't Lily super cute in hers?

She still really likes my chew beads. Somehow, this necklace was lying on the floor. Lily found it, put it on, and then wandered around, occasionally biting a bead, for the next hour. Funny girl.

When Caleb came home from school, I put on my Halloween shirt and we had a skeleton photo shoot. Since Daisy wouldn't wear her shirt, she wasn't in the picture. 
Caleb and I are making our scary skeleton faces. Do you like little Pirate Baby Yoey on my belly? It was how I managed to fit in to our family's pirate theme this year.

Once Daisy saw how much fun we were having with our skeleton shirt photo shoot, she ran to put her shirt on, too. 
Much better. I love this shirt with all four of my skeleton babies represented!
(Also, I am still baffled by the fact that Chris and I produced two daughters with blonde-ish hair. My high-school level understand of genetic inheritance and dominant and recessive traits leaves me scratching my head that he - a product of two dark-brown-haired parents - and I - also a product of two parents with dark brown hair - ended up with two almost-blondies. But whatev. They're cute, and that's all that matters. And at least Caleb looks like he belongs to us.)

After the skeleton shirts, the kids changed into their Halloween costumes. Since it was super-cold today, and right around 40 at trick-or-treating time, we rocked the layers. Each child had three undershirts and just as many pairs of pants layered under their costumes.

Arr, matey! Pirate Caleb was quite serious about this pose. His outfit is a combination of thrift store and homemade - he already owned the vest and boots, and I added Goodwill pants and vest, plus a homemade hat, sash, and newspaper sword. He was so happy with this costume!

Mermaid Daisy's outfit was entirely homemade. I used this tutorial to make her skirt/tail, and then I dyed a white t-shirt to almost a flesh color with tea bags and embroidered the shells in place. The kitty hat was obviously not part of the original plan, but I think it adds a certain something. Daisy alternated between being really pleased with her costume and being really unhappy with it, but I think that just comes with the territory of a three-year-old.

I love how Lily is gazing longingly at Daisy's sparkly skirt. I guess she wanted a sparkly outfit, too? Instead, she was stuck being a lame old parrot.

I was so pumped about Lily's costume. I saw this one from Pottery Barn Kids, and knew something like that would be perfect for Lily. My plan was that she could wear it on her own, or over the Ergo as she rode on Daddy's back. It was perfect - flawless - and even made of fleece to keep her extra warm. The only problem?

The girl refused to wear it.

That would be Lily rebelling and Daisy screaming in frustration because she just wanted her sister to keep her costume on.

Lesson learned. Next year, Lily gets sparkles, too.

Once the kids were all layered up, we headed to the neighborhood party for games and hot dogs.

It was cold, but that didn't stop Caleb from downing two whole hot dogs, bun and all.

The girls refused to leave the warmth of the BOB and their blankets.

And Lily decided she would rather freeze than wear her costume. 
Or a hat.
Or mittens.
Or a blanket.

This girl could be trouble.

After the party, I pushed the girls straight home in the BOB, while Chris took Caleb trick-or-treating at the houses on the way home. When they got to our street, Chris picked up Daisy (Lily was in no shape to go out) and visited our neighbors.

When they were finished, each kid got to eat three pieces of candy, and that was it! Now I have to wrap my head around the fact that tomorrow is November...

1 comment:

  1. Cool! The costumes all look great! I also like that parrot idea; too bad Lily wasn't loving it.

    How fun!!!!!!
