February 22

This is Caleb's new trick:

He pulls one sock off.
Then he plays with it.
Then he chews on it.
Then he throws it or hides it somewhere.

I learned it was his new trick the other day, when he fell asleep in the car. I took his car seat up to his crib and let him sleep there for what ended up being a 2 1/2 hour nap. When he woke up, he was wearing one sock. I searched for a while and finally discovered a wet sock tucked deep in his car seat. Sometime during his nap, he must have woken up, taken off the sock, and hidden it, then gone back to sleep.
Why was it wet?
He'd been chewing on it.

This has happened at least 4 times since Friday.
Every time, it's his left sock.

What an odd child I have!

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