February 16

When I was a child, anytime I was difficult, spiteful, or strong-willed, my mom would say, "I hope you have a child just like you someday."

This is my child.

He sleeps on his own terms.

When it's the middle of the night and we want desperately for him to sleep, no such luck.

When he's been awake for six straight hours during the day and needs a nap, nothing doing.

When we're driving home from dinner with friends and it's a little bit later than his normal bedtime,
he falls asleep.

And stays asleep.

Even when we move his carseat from the car to his crib.
And leave him in his room for a few hours.
And then later, turn on the light.
And snap his photo.
And snap his photo again.

He just stays asleep.

Maybe I have a child just like me, after all.
Lordy, Lordy, what will I do?

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