February 17

So one of my favorite blogs, I Should be Folding Laundry, has a weekly photo challenge called "You Capture."


 Every week, I think, "Gee. That would be fun! I should do it!" Then I don't do it.

This week, I did it.

The extra incentive to participate came because Beth, the author, will give a subscription to Picnik premium to one participant.

I am all about Picnick, so I am all about You Capture. Maybe I'll win!

This week's theme was kisses.

I know it's supposed to be a Valentine-y challenge, but I thought instead about Caleb. (of course) I love to kiss my baby. So I photographed my favorite parts to kiss!

And I might have written my captions in verse. It just kind of came out that way. Sorry.

I love to kiss his little face

and smooch those chubby cheeks!

Who can resist some baby thighs
(Not I!)

or some tasty baby feet?

I love to kiss his belly
and smooch those little hands.

I have to kiss his sides and arms - they're more than I can stand!

But we all know that kisses given are never as good as kisses received!