July 21

Lily is three days old today. I'm not sure how that's possible. The last few days have been such a blur!

Last night, our sweet girl decided it was a good idea to be awake from 10 pm to 2 am. Yuck, I forgot about that aspect of having a newborn. 

Chris took Caleb and Daisy to church this morning, while Lily and I stayed home and slept. It was good.
My sleeping beauty.
Daisy came in this morning, still wearing her pink and white striped jammies. She took one look at her sister and started grinning and giggling. "She wearing stripes, just like me!"
I see lots of matching outfits for those two in our future.

Caleb, meanwhile, chose two pictures of his new sister for us to print. He proudly carried them to church, ti show his teachers and friends. What a sweet boy.

Later, we got out the Boppy: 
Really, I think Lily looks nothing like Daisy. But seeing her in Daisy's old clothes, in a pose I remember Daisy in, makes me do a double-take,

BIG yawn!

It's hard work being this cute.

Also, the girl loves to nurse. Even Daddy's nose will suffice in a pinch!

My darlings.

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness! What a sweet, sweet baby. Chris is so cute with her! Carrie, I can't wait to get up there!
