September 19

There were several moments today when I thought to myself, This is why we had children!
And then there were several times when I thought, This is why I don't want to have any more children!

It really was a wonderful day, though.

We started our day with a family trip to a nearby park the kids had never visited before. At first they were distracted by the awesome playground, but when Chris and I finally lured them to the walking trail, the fun really  began.

There were stone steps down to a path along a babbling creek. The moment we gave him permission to explore, Caleb took off running.
It is so much fun to watch him be a boy in nature. 
This is who he was made to be.

Lily was adamant from the outset that she was going to ride on Daddy's head. You know she got her way.

And Eli was happy on my back!  It was chilly this morning, and I tried my best to keep his arms tucked inside the wrap, but he kept pulling that left arm out. I suppose maybe it's like sleeping with one leg sticking out from under the covers?

Daisy loved this sculpture of a runner. (Power walker? The whole time I thought she was a runner, but now that I'm looking at the photo, she is very clearly a power walker. Boo! I was ready to save this photo for her high school years, when she will be a cross country star!)

I told Caleb and Daisy to climb up and pretend they were statues. This was how they posed.
Weirdest statues ever.

Daisy found a bush full of tiny daisies.

Can you tell she liked them? This is her "so happy she's shy" face.

And then the kids were off and running again. They did a great job of running ahead, then waiting for us to catch up, then running ahead again. It was fun for everyone.

Even Lily got in on the running ahead action!
(I think this was the first moment of the day when I grabbed Chris' hand and said, "This is why we had kids. I have been waiting for this moment."

And it's true. Seeing our children exploring independently and enjoying something I enjoy is so rewarding. The best part is that I know that as they get older, there will be more and more moments like this, where they can experience something I like on their own, and enjoy it in their own way. Hooray for children getting older!


I set up my camera with the remote to get a family photo, but Eli wouldn't cooperate. You can just see the tip of his blue hat over my shoulder. Still, I love this picture.

And this one is out of focus and Eli insisted on looking behind us, no matter which way I turned. So it goes.
Also, is Lily picking her nose?

After we walked the loop of the path, we rewarded the kids with more time at the playground.

This baby. Seriously.

Since Eli was already unwrapped from my back, I tried something with the wrap that I have been wanting to do forever, but have never done: 
Wrap hammock.
I tied it to the monkey bars, and the three older kids all took a turn swinging in it. Heck, I even took a turn in it! It was really, really fun! (It's also a great way to break in a wrap and make it softer and easier to use.)

We stopped at the grocery store on the way home, and got home just in time for Caleb to change into his soccer gear for his second practice/game. His first game didn't go so well, so Chris and I were worried that he might freak out this time.

Our worries were totally unfounded. 
How sweet is he?

He ended up scoring three goals and having a great time. Way to go, Caleb!

The afternoon was a blur, but after dinner Chris came to me and said, "You should probably come outside."
I went into the back yard and immediately turned around and went back inside to grab my camera. Chris was playing baseball with all four children.
Chris was pitching, Caleb and Daisy were taking turns batting, Lily was playing infield, and Eli was "playing" the outfield.

See? Daisy cracking a big hit!

Lily would run after every ball, and Chris would ask her to throw it to him. This was how she "threw".
(And yes, our grass is up around her ankles. Or mid-calf. Whatever. But this is the only spot in the yard where the grass is so lush and lovely and tall. Everywhere else doesn't need to be mowed at all.)

Boom! This girl (wearing a t-shirt that is her nightgown tonight) is a power hitter!

Look at how proud she is! I love this girl!

And then there was Eli, sitting in the outfield, playing with a baby doll that was mine when I was a child. I snapped this picture and then said to Chris, "Quick! Who else can I take a picture of? Bring me more people! This light is too lovely!

"Seriously, Ma?"

"Please don't take my picture, Ma!"

At least this one, in his Star Wars jammies, cooperated. Thanks, bud.

This was definitely another moment when I was happy to have children. It was so perfect. I know you want to see a video, don't you?

And then at bedtime, I got to read more from The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe with Caleb and Daisy. It is our fourth day reading it, and we're reading about fifteen pages a day. They are so into it, and it makes my heart so happy. 

What a beautiful day!

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