September 11

This morning, as I pumped and Caleb and Daisy ate breakfast, I tried to explain to them why today was a significant day. I don't think we've ever discussed 9/11 before, and it wasn't fun telling my kids that bad guys are real. But we also talked about how the horrors of 9/11 made our country stronger, and how people came together to love and help and protect those who were affected. Bad guys may be real, but heroes are real, too.

After Caleb was off to school, two of my friends and their kiddos came over for a playdate. It was lovely, especially the part where Eli went down for a nap and I was able to basically ignore my children while they played with friends and I chatted with friends. Sadly, I didn't take a single picture. I was too busy having fun.

At lunchtime, I gave Eli some avocado slices and black beans. Kid was in heaven, and he smeared that food all over himself.
Look at that intensity. He couldn't get the food in his mouth fast enough!

That is one happy kid!

Then Lily wanted her picture taken, too. 
She looks like she's smiling here, but it's only because she was saying, "NO CHEESE!"
As in, she didn't want to smile for the camera. I sure tricked her!

Also, Daisy wanted her picture taken. For some reason, this is how she chose to pose. Does anyone else see tween-aged Daisy in this picture? I do.

Then Daisy wanted to take my picture. 

Jenny had the day off work, so she came over to play while the little ones napped. Once everyone was awake and Caleb was home from school, we enjoyed the beautiful weather outside. Lily was occupying the baby swing, but I knew Eli would enjoy swinging, too, so we compromised...

Oh. My. Goodness.
Cutest thing ever. I know I say that a lot on this blog, but seriously. Can you see how happy Eli was? He just grinned and kicked those chubby little legs the whole time.

I mean, really. 
And having Lily share the swing with him was the perfect solution: she filled the empty space in the swing, providing extra stability for Eli. Plus, both kids got to swing and didn't have to take turns. Win/win!

And then Jenny pushed them, and we were all happy.

Chris picked up The Jungle Book  at the library, and we all ate grilled cheese sandwiches on the couch. Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. How fun! Yes that is the CUTEST thing ever!! AAAH! I wish I could have been there too :)
