August 7

Did I mention we got a new computer? Because we got a new computer. We're in the midst of installing all of our go-to programs and transferring data over from the old laptop to the new computer. There are a lot of photos to transfer.

Did you know I take lots of pictures? Apparently I do.

Today's pictures prove why Sundays are the best:

At church, Caleb learned about how the Israelites sent twelve spies into the promised land, but only two of the spies were good (Caleb and Joshua). They dressed up in disguises to emphasize the spy part; Caleb apparently got the clown nose.
(A huge thank you to my friend Gayle for not only teaching the little ones, but also taking and sending this picture!)

After church, naptime for everyone.
Well, it was supposed to be naptime for everyone. We won't tell Daddy that Daisy was wide awake.

I was working with some ribbon, trying to make a ribbon flower for a headband for Daisy. Caleb found some extra ribbon, put it on, and said, "Oh! You're so pretty!"

Apparently the kid really likes to play dress-up!

The boys went swimming while Daisy napped. When she woke up, we joined them for some fun in the neighborhood pool. What a good day!

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