January 2

Black? Not black? I need your feedback!

(ha ha. Don't you love my clever little rhyme? Seriously. Should I take the blog back to green, or try something entirely different, or stay black?)
Caleb's current fixation is this book about Stan Musial. We've already renewed it once from the library because he loves it so much, and Chris thinks we may have to actually buy it for Caleb.

One of the pictures in the book that Caleb really likes is of Stan with a spoon on his nose. He requests to see that picture by saying, "Silly!" Today, I decided that Chris should show Caleb that Daddy is just as silly as Stan.
I don't think it worked. Caleb doesn't look too impressed. 

He was content to chew on the spoon as Chris read the rest of the book to him. Apparently Stan wins this round.

1 comment:

  1. ok, black is GOOD! i did get used to and then really liked the green. but black is a nice change. love that caleb was unimpressed with the spoon on the nose--i was VERY IMPRESSED.
