January 16

Our little man was in such a good mood today! (For the most part, at least. You know how toddlers can be.)

 I think he may have his first girlfriend - when Chris went to pick Caleb up from the nursery at church, Caleb had to say goodbye, and blow kisses to, his little friend Harper. My child is many things, but one would not call him social. So his budding romance with Harper (who, by the way, returned Caleb's kisses with blown kisses of her own) makes me quite pleased. 

Perhaps Harper was impressed by how handsome Caleb looked today.
His little sweater vest gets me every time.

Caleb is a big fan of smiling for the camera, then running around to see the result. I'm a big fan of the adorable shots it gets me.

Caleb was thrilled when Chris brought his car up from the basement. He spent all afternoon saying, "Ride! Ride!"
(Side note: striped sweater vest + argyle BabyLegs + cloth diaper = swooning Mommy. How sweet and ridiculous does he look?)

Later, we ended up at the Magic House for a little while. I have to say, we weren't as impressed as we expected to be. Maybe it will be more fantastic when Caleb is older?

The sand table was definitely Caleb's favorite part.

Watching Caleb explore was my favorite part.

1 comment:

  1. of COURSE harper was impressed by cutie pie caleb. how sweet, the blowing kisses thing was just so adorable:))) love love love this!
