October 18

We had a smiley kind of morning.

(I might have had to retouch a trickle of snot coming out of his nostril in this one...)

I realize this isn't the most attractive photo, but there's something about that big, cheesy smile that I just love!

There it is again! He's just so happy, he's goofy!

And there's a cute smile for you.

Of course, all of those smiles came BEFORE his 15-month checkup today. I had to perk him up with outside time before he went in for his 4 shots.

His stats for today:
Weight - 23 pounds (25th percentile)
Height - 32 inches (75th percentile)
Head - 47 centimeters (50th percentile)

That's pretty typical for Caleb. This time, though, he got to stand up on the big-boy scale to be weighed, instead of being laid down on the baby scale. The doctor said his gross motor skills are on the slow end of normal, but still normal, his fine motor skills are fine, and his language is off the charts. (She might have been more than a little impressed when he called her ear-flashlight a hammer. It really does look like a hammer.)

Caleb left the appointment with 4 bandaids and 2 stickers.

Later, Chris, Caleb and I were in the kitchen and Caleb began reaching insistently for my kitchen utensil jar. We asked him what he wanted and he said, "Hush! Hush!"

He wanted the silicone basting brush. 

Apparently, we've been reading Goodnight Moon so much that he mixed up "brush" with "hush". I almost died from the cuteness of it.


  1. yes we are all about to pass out from how cute this all is too! Hammer? He knows so many words you guys are doing such a good job!

  2. That cheesy little smile just makes my day!!!! Mom:)
