June 4

So, do you remember yesterday when Caleb fell asleep at 4:40, thus depriving you of any decent pictures?

He ended up sleeping until 5:45 this morning. That amount of sleep is unheard of in our home. I was pretty impressed. (Well, in retrospect I'm impressed. At 5:45, I was just annoyed to be awake. Just keepin' it real.)

Add to that one normal nap, one two and a half hour nap, one hour at the pool, and one Daddy, and I ended up with one happy kiddo this afternoon.


I know this one is hard to look at, but it's my boys tickling and rolling on the floor.

And? Tomorrow is Saturday.


  1. SOOO darn sweet. GREAT Aunt Mag wishes she was there!

  2. Caleb looks a lot like some of Chris's old baby pics here. cutie
