June 28

Our front window saw a lot of action today. This morning, I opened all the windows to let a nice breeze in. Caleb couldn't resist the sheers dancing in the wind...

Then he saw my camera, and he couldn't resist that, either.

This evening, Chris was doing some yard work in the flower bed in front of the windows. Caleb couldn't handle the fact that Daddy was so close, but he couldn't see him.


He pulled up!

Now, I realize that most babies hit this milestone when they're around 8 months old, and my baby is nearly a year old. In fact, I've been freaking out about the fact that my baby hasn't yet pulled up. Was he broken? I didn't know!

Now, my friends, I know that he is not broken.

Yay, Caleb!

But then....

Oh well. Baby steps.

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