January 13 (belatedly...)

Why did no one warn me how exhausting it is to travel with a baby?

Not that it would have changed my mind or anything.

Caleb is actually a world-class traveller. He was mellow and cheerful, and won the heart of every elderly lady in Clare, Iowa (population: 190).

He didn't mind having to wear disposable diapers instead of his lovely cloth ones.
He didn't mind that his routine was woefully disrupted every day.
He didn't mind being passed off to countless strangers.
He DID mind sleeping in his pack n play. Guess we'll have to work on that one - he ended up in bed with me and his (snoring) Granny.

Our trip in review:

Yes. I put my baby on a snowbank taller than I am.
He didn't seem to mind, and Grandma was nearby, spotting him.

However, an hour later he got so overheated in the car (is it just Chicco carseats that get so hot?) that he ended up riding nearly nekkid.
You can tell from the look on his face that he's not quite sure if this is ok.

I'm really not sure how we made it safely - Grandma spent most of the time gazing adoringly at Caleb in the rear-view mirror - but we did.

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