November 14

We celebrated this gorgeous, nearly 70 degree, Do-Nothing Monday with a trip to the Garden.
Actually, first we made a stop at Target to get food for the cat, and then we made a trip to the Garden. The Target stop seriously cut into our Garden time, so the visit was short and sweet.

This Garden visit was special because it was my first trip (I think) with all four children, by myself, and no stroller. The kids did great! I kept Eli up on my back most of the time, which is what made it okay. At one point I let him down, and I immediately realized it was a bad idea. He is still learning how to follow the group.

Oh, and he had a cup full of snacks, so of course he was happy.

Daisy sat herself in a lovely little spot and asked to take a selfie. I offered to take a picture for her, but she was adamant that she wanted to take a selfie. 

My favorite spot. Don't worry, Mom. No one fell in.

This was the closest I got to cooperative children.

Eli was very excited to have a chance to ride the raccoons. We had a problem because there are only three raccoons, but four children. Caleb was sweet, though, and offered his raccoon up for Eli. 

Luckily, there were plenty of sheep to go around, and the kids were thrilled.


Our first visit to the Garden without the BOB lasted an hour and a half, but it was perfect. What a bittersweet milestone!

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