December 2

It was a late-start day for Caleb today, and I really wanted to do something fun and special with him. Unfortunately, it was cold out, and all of the fun indoor activities didn't open until 10:00, which was too late. So instead, I let Caleb and Daisy watch an hour and a half of TV.
Mom of the Year.

After we got Caleb on the bus, the girls begged me to take them to the Butterfly House. Eli crawled around while I got ready to go, but he is inevitably drawn to the bathroom, where he wants to explore around our (not necessarily clean) toilet. I tried putting him on my bed, hoping our bed rails would contain him.

Nope. Not anymore. Now that Eli can pull up, even the bed rails aren't safe. Luckily, he is now sleeping in his crib in the evening, so the only time he's in bed is when I'm sleeping there with him. 

I left my phone in the van, so I didn't take any pictures in the Butterfly House. I was so disappointed about that, because we ran into my friend Liz (Hi, Liz!) and one of her sons. Lily really enjoyed playing with Matthew. In fact, Lily seems to enjoy playing with most younger children these days. Check out this moment I captured later in the afternoon:

Eli, playing with the play food in the kitchen.

Oh, wait. No, it's Lily, serving the play food to Eli. She is "slicing" a cookie. Look at that expression of pure delight on Eli's little face!

Oh, now she's "feeding" the imaginary cookie to Eli, and he wants it so badly!
And the face Lily is making? It's a fishy kissy face, and it's killing me!

Apparently Eli thinks it's funny, too.

She is just too much!

We ended our evening with a quick trip to the library, followed by hot cocoa in the van while we drove around and looked at Christmas lights. It was perhaps a bit early in the season for that, and we didn't see many, but the kids were so, so happy. It was one of those moments in parenting where I felt like everything was right, and I was thankful. 
I am thankful.

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