March 3

Do-Nothing Tuesday, right after a Do-Nothing Monday. It was wonderful. But we actually accomplished quite a bit! Mostly it was sorting and organizing, but that is important stuff in my world,

 There was also a good amount of snuggling, especially after I realized that I could nurse Eli while wearing him in my ring sling. He's my fourth child, and I'm just now figuring that out, which is kind of sad, but still. This time around, it's a game changer!

Lily also got some snuggles in while all of the big kids were gone.

I know. Sweetest thing ever, right? 

How about a video of it? 

 I admit, it's not as sweet when you see that she was trying to wiggle out from underneath him. But while it lasted, it was pretty nice.

1 comment:

  1. Um, yes that is the sweetest thing ever!!!!!!!!!! My eyes!!!!!!
