June 5

Oh, Daisy.
We had a playdate with one of Daisy's favorite church friends this morning, and she refused to play for the first half of it. Instead, she picked some long stalks of grass, put them in her mouth, and pretended she was a cat.

Eventually she was willing to play, and we all had fun.

We joined our neighborhood pool this year, and signed both kids up for kickboard lessons. Tonight was their first practice, and as we loaded stuff into the car (we grilled dinner at the pool while the kids were practicing), Caleb and Daisy got out their bikes.

Walking his bike up the hill, wearing rainboots and carrying a stick. That boy.

Oh, Daisy.
Wearing only a bathing suit, hoodie, backpack, and jellies.

Kickboard practice was so much fun! Our friend Landon was there, and Caleb was a little fish.

Daisy, however, struggled. This was as comfortable as she got, and soon she began shrieking. In her defense, it was cold, the water was colder, and it was an hour past dinner time. But she didn't do so well.

But Caleb? He rocked the kickboard.

Daisy only wanted to be in the kiddie pool, so her teenaged, volunteer coach went with her. It was really very sweet.

And Lily was either on my back, or playing happily with a wet ball. During the day, she is the most delightful baby. Nighttime has been a different story lately. I'm praying that she'll actually sleep tonight. I feel like the level of sleep deprivation I'm experiencing is nearing torture levels. Three more weeks, and then Chris and I are going to work on night weaning, with the goal of getting her to sleep through the night by her first birthday.

Oh, Daisy.

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