February 6

This is what 18 weeks pregnant looks like around here:
Out of focus, yes, but that's just how things are these days. 
I just started feeling Baby move a few days ago, and I've gained a grand total of 8 pounds so far. Once my back pain is under control (we're almost there, I think!), I'll be ready to really enjoy this pregnancy!

But if we're being honest, this is what things really look like around here: 
My best shot is out of focus because two little somebodies kept interrupting my portrait attempts. Here, Caleb is hugging/listening to the baby.

And there are my two little interrupters. Clearly I don't mind the interruption - they're so darn sweet!

Here's my darling, almost back-to-normal little girl. She's dolled up for a trip to Whole Foods; she chose the bow without any help from me.

This sweet boy can't get a break. Just as he got over the stomach virus, he got a cold. He's mostly in good spirits, though. He saw Daisy's hair bow and insisted on wearing a sparkly "princess" clip in his hair.

Ah, the life of a younger sister: constantly being poked and pestered by your big brother.

After naps, major excitement occurred: tree trimmers came to cut down the big tree in our neighbor's back yard.

First, Caleb and Daisy watched the big grinder eat up all of the branches. Can you see that sweet Daisy is covering her ears? It was pretty loud.

Then, we realized we had a front-row seat to all of the action. We spent a good thirty minutes watching the tree trimmers in action. See that one all the way up in the tree?

Daisy still thought the grinder was too loud - I love that she's covering her ears with her little mittened hands!

She pulled up this chair all by herself. Caleb thought it was a good idea, but one-upped her and brought over the picnic table for himself.

Happy girl.

Happy kids!

And so far, I still haven't gotten sick. If I wake up tomorrow morning without having succumbed, I will consider our family officially done with it.

1 comment:

  1. OMG please send them here for the summer!! They are so cute! Caleb wanted to wear the sparkly clip? I just love him! I also love Daisy's sweater and headband I want to wear that outfit!!
