January 15

This girl.
She's so funny! I just can't get enough of her!

She's so happy in this photo because I recovered her beloved pink plastic cup from under the couch, where it had been hiding for at least a few weeks. (Yep! My back is feeling so much better that I was able to move the couch/crawl around to fetch the cup! Praise the Lord!)

Caleb won't let Daisy do all of the funny things, though. This morning he was taking an unusually long time in the bathroom, so I went to check on him. I found him, fully clothed, sitting on the toilet, looking at the toilet paper hanging on its roller. When I asked what he was doing, he replied with great delight, "I'm pretending that the toilet paper is a rotisserie chicken, spinning on its rotisserie!" Then he gave the roll a spin. Funny boy!

Not to let her brother be outdone, Daisy insisted on putting her jeans on all by herself today. After she'd been alone in her room, trying to get them on for at least five minutes, I went in to check on her. I found her sitting on the floor, legs in the right holes, but unable to pull the pants up over her bulky cloth diaper. Before I could even offer to help, she shouted, "NO! Huh-uh! Go away!" and waved her little hand to shoo me off. This continued for the next fifteen minutes, and I was thankful we had nowhere to be so that I could just laugh and enjoy it.

I love these kids!


  1. shhhahahahhahh both so funny! I am so glad you post the stories and things they say. Those are my favorites!

  2. such fun and such happy memories. i love that you are the kind of mom who lets them be them. who doesnt say NO WE HAVE TO PUT THE PANTS ON NOW. and that you let them have such fun. you ROCK as a mom and i can't wait to see what the next one looks like... honestly, could you have any cuter kids?????
