July 30

Can you tell that somebody got the movie Up from the library recently?
In case you haven't seen or heard of the movie, it's about this:

So today, when Caleb was talking about his house floating away, I offered to tie some balloons to it. He was so pleased with the whole situation!

While Caleb played in his house, Daisy found a butterfly. 
I know you can't see the butterfly, but trust me, it's there. It's that gray spot. And actually, it was probably a moth. And it was probably a mostly-dead moth, because she nearly touched it and it never moved. 

Daisy was thrilled! She tried (pretty successfully) to say "butterfly" and sat happily watching it until it eventually fluttered away.

Also, funny story. We had my sister and her boyfriend and my parents over for dinner tonight, and at bedtime Caleb requested that Grandma put him to bed. Then he asked for Daddy. Finally, he asked for me. So just like always, I sang him one song and snuggled for a moment before saying goodnight. But before I left the room, Caleb said, "Now I am going to look out my window for a little bit."

And then the wheels in my head started turning. The past few days, I've noticed his curtains are pushed to the side a bit when he wakes up in the morning or after naps. Was he really...

Then he said, "May you please leave now so I can look out the window? Please leave now!"

So I left. Of course I headed straight outside and there he was, standing on his bed, peering out his window. What a little stinker! He giggled, we waved, and I came back in and put him to bed  for real. Funny boy! I wonder what else he does while we think he's sleeping?


  1. you are such a fun mom! and love that caleb likes to look out the window--what do you think he thinks about when he looks out??

  2. ahahahah the window thing..."please leave" he is so funny! And the UP balloon idea is so great!
